The Indian Culture

Fashion and Clothing

A traditional Indian sari
In the Indian culture, women wear sari – a garment consisting of a long rectangle of fabric reaching the feet, wrapped and pleated around the waist over an underskirt and short-sleeved fitted top, and draped over the shoulder. The material of a sari could be nylon, silk or cotton. Men wear a kurta (a long loose collarless shirt) over a dhoti (a rectangle cloth, usually made of cotton, draped and pleated around the waist). The shoes that men usually wear are called mojris. These are exclusively hand-made traditional Indian shoes made of leather and embroidered with beads and sequins. Women don’t really have specific types of shoes, as they can wear trendy slippers, stilettos or pumps.


In the modern era, designers still stick to the traditional designs, but add a slight 'western look'. The sari has evolved greatly throughout time. It has got western influences, such that the designs on the sari are English and the short-sleeved fitted top has got new variations to it. Women like to have them designed like a bikini top! - an alter necked top that is open at the back and tied around the neck. Furthermore, today not many men wear the traditional dhoti. Instead, they wear the kurta over a pair of jeans! In fact, nowadays the 'mojris' men wear have become unisex - even women have started wearing them!

A traditional salwaar-kameez
As a young girl, I wouldn’t have to wear a sari. In fact, I can just wear casual clothing such as jeans, t-shirts, shorts and Maasai slippers (embroidered leather slippers with fancy beads, sequins and shells). These are baggy and short sleeved, mainly because it is very hot in Mombasa. Many girls in my age group also wear the same clothes. However, when attending a religious occasion, girls of my age and younger are required to wear the traditional ‘salwar-kameez’. This is basically a long top with pretty embroidery, worn over trousers and accompanied by a scarf matching the outfit’s color and design. There are several different types of this clothing, including baggy, long sleeve and short sleeve, all depending on the person’s choice.

To school, I would wear the official school uniform which consists of a white shirt with the school logo and grey pants or a grey skirt. The material is cotton – suitable for Mombasa’s weather. The uniform is quite baggy and the shirt is short sleeved. On the contrary, to parties I would wear much more fancy clothing such as glittery tops, skinny jeans or a stylish dress. These clothes are tighter than the school uniform.